Buddhism, Karma, Rebirth

What are the Similarities Between Buddhism and Near-Death Experiences?

Near-Death Experiences, or NDEs, have been the subject of much research and interest in recent years. 

They offer a glimpse into what may lie beyond this physical existence.

By examining the common themes and experiences reported by those who have had NDEs, we can draw parallels and explore the similarities between these experiences and the teachings of Buddhism.

This article will explore the fascinating relationship between Buddhism and near-death experiences.

Understanding Near-Death Experiences

Understanding near-death experiences is significant as it allows us to draw comparisons with Buddhist teachings. Both NDEs and Buddhism explore the nature of consciousness and reality beyond physical existence. 

By analyzing NDEs, we can better understand the afterlife, leading to a deeper appreciation of its similarities with Buddhist concepts like reincarnation, karma, Nirvana, and the ultimate nature of existence.

What are Near-Death Experiences?

Near-death experiences are a fascinating and profound phenomenon reported worldwide throughout history.

These experiences typically occur when a person is in a life-threatening situation, such as a heart attack or a traumatic accident. During an NDE, people often feel like they are leaving their physical body and entering a mystical realm.

Common features of NDEs include encounters with deceased loved ones, a powerful feeling of love, and seeing a bright light or tunnel.

Since the 1990s, there has been an increasing interest among doctors and scientists in researching NDEs. Many researchers believe these experiences may offer evidence of an afterlife or spiritual realm beyond our physical existence.

Despite the scientific debate around the nature of NDEs, many people who have had these experiences report being profoundly transformed and powerfully impacted by it.

For some, the experience brings a sense of profound peace and a new perspective on life, while for others (a very few percent), it is a terrifying encounter with the unknown. For many, however, the experience provides a deep sense of meaning and purpose in life, offering a glimpse into the profound mysteries of the Universe.

Near-Death Experiences have been reported across many cultures and spiritual traditions. The ongoing research into NDEs continues to shed light on this fascinating and awe-inspiring phenomenon.

Common Experiences During Near-Death Experiences

Near-death experiences are often described as profound, life-changing events when a person is on the brink of death or has experienced clinical death (when the heart, lungs, and brain stop functioning). 

While the experiences can vary significantly from person to person, several common themes emerge from the accounts of those who have undergone near-death experiences. 

Here is a list of the most common experiences reported by individuals who have had near-death experiences.

  • Out-of-body experience: During a near-death experience, an out-of-body experience is a common phenomenon. It is described as feeling separated from one’s physical body and observing oneself from a different vantage point. The experience can be vivid and detailed, with some individuals reporting the ability to see and hear things beyond their physical body’s location.
  • Tunnel experience: Another common aspect of a near-death experience is the feeling of moving through a tunnel towards a bright light or a different realm of existence. This experience is often described as feeling very peaceful and calming and is associated with a sense of transition or transformation. 
  • Seeing a bright light: Seeing a bright light is a common experience during near-death experiences. The light is described as bright, warm, and welcoming, and individuals often report feeling a sense of peace and comfort in its presence. Some people describe the light as being accompanied by a feeling of being in the presence of a higher power or divine being.
  • Meeting deceased loved ones: Meeting deceased loved ones is a common experience reported by individuals who have had near-death experiences. These encounters are described as vivid and emotional, with individuals reporting a sense of reunion, love, and comfort. The deceased loved ones often communicate messages of love, guidance, and reassurance to the individual.
  • Feeling a sense of profound love: One of the most profound aspects of a near-death experience is the sense of peace and love many people report feeling. This feeling is often described as being all-encompassing and intense. It is often interpreted as a sense of being surrounded by a benevolent force.
  • A feeling of oneness with everything: During a near-death experience, many people report feeling a sense of oneness with the Universe and all living beings. This feeling is often described as a profound sense of interconnectedness and unity with everything around them. Some people describe it as a feeling of merging with the Universe or being one with all that exists.
  • Feeling NDEs are more real than reality: Many people who have had a near-death experience report feeling that their experience was more real than reality. They describe it as vivid and intense, with heightened awareness and clarity. Some people report feeling that the experience was more real than anything they had ever experienced in their body, in their “real life”.
  • Life review: An astonishingly large number of people who have had a near-death experience report experiencing a “life review.” During this experience, the person relives important moments from their life and gains a deeper understanding of the impact of their actions.
  • Revelation about the secret of life: Some people who have had a near-death experience report that they were revealed, often by the Light, the secret of life or some profound understanding or knowledge about the mysteries of the Universe.

Scientists Are Studying NDEs More and More

In recent decades, there has been a growing interest among scientists and researchers in studying the phenomenon of near-death experiences. 

Since the 1990s, several prominent researchers have conducted studies and investigations into the experiences of people who have had NDEs, seeking to better understand the causes and implications of these phenomena. 

One of the leading researchers in this field is Pim van Lommel, a Dutch cardiologist who conducted a groundbreaking study of near-death experiences among cardiac patients. His research found that many patients resuscitated after cardiac arrest reported vivid and life-transformative experiences that shared common features with NDEs reported by people who had not been close to death. 

Another notable researcher is Peter Fenwick, a British neuropsychiatrist who has extensively researched near-death experiences’ neurobiology and subjective experiences. Fenwick’s studies have suggested that NDEs are not simply hallucinations or delusions but rather reflect a profound shift in consciousness that can have transformative effects on people’s beliefs and values.

In addition to these researchers, many others have contributed to our understanding of NDEs, including Sam Parnia, an intensive care physician who has studied the experiences of cardiac arrest survivors in a clinical setting, and Janice Holden, a professor of counseling and psychology who has researched the after-effects of near-death experiences on people’s lives and beliefs. 

While the scientific study of NDEs is still in its early stages, these researchers have made significant strides in illuminating the nature of these experiences and their potential implications for our understanding of consciousness, the afterlife, and the human experience.

Buddhist Philosophy on Death and the Afterlife

Buddhist philosophy has a distinctive perspective on death and the afterlife. The idea of a permanent, unchanging self or soul is rejected, with the belief that consciousness or mind stream continues after death.

The law of karma determines the nature of rebirth, and one can be reborn into six realms of existence. 

Buddhist practice aims to achieve liberation from the cycle of rebirth and attain Nirvana, a state of complete liberation from suffering. This perspective offers a unique understanding of human existence and the ultimate goal of life.

The Buddhist View of the Self

The Buddhist view of the self is a fundamental concept in Buddhist philosophy. Unlike many other religious or philosophical traditions, Buddhism sees the self as impermanent and constantly changing. 

According to Buddhist teachings, the self is not a fixed, permanent entity but a composite of various parts constantly in flux. This view is based on the Buddhist understanding of the concept of anatman, which translates to “no self”. 

The concept of anatman suggests that no eternal, unchanging self exists independently of the world around us. Instead, our sense of self is a product of the constantly changing interplay between our experiences, thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations.

However, this does not mean that consciousness ceases to exist after death. According to Buddhist teachings, consciousness continues after death but not as an individual self. Instead, consciousness is seen as a continuum, with our individual consciousness being one small part of a larger, interconnected whole. 

This understanding of consciousness is closely linked to the concepts of karma and rebirth, which are central to Buddhist teachings. The actions we take in this life, whether positive or negative, create karmic imprints that shape our future experiences and contribute to our ongoing cycle of rebirth. 

In this way, the Buddhist view of the self is intimately connected to a broader understanding of the nature of reality and the interconnectedness of all things.

Reincarnation and Karma in Buddhism

In Buddhism, rebirth and karma are fundamental concepts that shape one’s existence. The belief in rebirth and karma holds that our current life is just one of many, and our actions in this life determine our future rebirths.

Buddhists believe in the continuity of consciousness after death and that it moves on to another existence determined by one’s karma.

However, as previously mentioned, they do not believe in a permanent self or soul that transmigrates from one life to the next. Rebirth is not seen as a reward or punishment but rather as a natural consequence of one’s actions and the quality of one’s mind at death.

Karma is the law of cause and effect, which means that every action has consequences, either in this life or in future lives. Buddhists believe that one’s karma shapes one’s future rebirths and the circumstances of those rebirths. 

Karma is not just limited to actions but also includes intentions, thoughts, and speech. Positive actions, thoughts, and speech generate positive karma and lead to positive future rebirths, while negative actions, thoughts, and speech generate negative karma and lead to negative future rebirths.

Therefore, Buddhist practice aims to accumulate positive karma and eventually break the cycle of rebirth, attaining liberation from suffering.

The Six Realms of Existence

The six realms of existence is a concept in Buddhism that describes the different possible states of rebirth one may experience based on their karma. 

In Buddhism, the cycle of birth and rebirth is often depicted as a journey through the Six Realms of Existence. It is important to note that these realms are not necessarily physical places but rather states of being shaped by the karmic imprints of one’s actions.

Each realm is characterized by experiences, emotions, and challenges and reflects one’s inner state. Understanding the Six Realms can offer insight into the nature of suffering and how one’s actions can lead to different forms of existence.

  1. The Devas Realm: The Devas Realm is associated with feelings of pleasure, abundance, and power. Those in this realm experience intense happiness and are often surrounded by opulence and beauty. The Devas Realm is also characterized by a sense of complacency and attachment to pleasure. This can lead to spiritual stagnation, as those in this realm are not motivated to seek higher states of being.
  2. The Asura Realm: The Asura Realm is associated with competition, conflict, and aggression. Those in this realm are driven by rivalry and often engage in battles for supremacy. This can result in constant frustration and anger, as victory is always out of reach. Those in the Asura Realm are also prone to jealousy and envy, as they always compare themselves to others.
  3. The Human Realm: The Human realm is characterized by a balance of pleasure and pain, happiness and suffering. Those in this realm experience a range of emotions and have the freedom to make choices that shape their lives. However, the Human realm is also marked by impermanence and uncertainty. Humans are always aware of their mortality and often driven by longing or dissatisfaction. According to Buddhist belief, the human realm is not limited to earth alone. Still, rather there are countless other worlds where humans exist. 
  4. The Animal Realm: The Animal Realm is associated with ignorance and instinctual behavior. Those in this realm are driven by their basic needs and desires and are often unaware of the deeper realities of existence. Animals are subject to the laws of nature and are not free to make choices that can lead to spiritual growth.
  5. The Hungry Ghost Realm: The Hungry Ghost Realm is characterized by craving and insatiable desire. Those in this realm are consumed by their wants and are always searching for something to fill the emptiness. However, no matter how much they consume, they are never satisfied. This can lead to a sense of despair and hopelessness.
  6. The Hell Realm: The Hell Realm is associated with intense suffering and pain. Those in this realm experience the full force of their negative karma and are subject to various torturous experiences. This realm is not permanent but rather a temporary state one may enter due to past actions.

The Six Realms of Existence in Buddhism offer a way of understanding the various states of being that one may experience on life’s journey. Each realm is shaped by one’s karma and provides a unique set of challenges and opportunities for growth.

Nirvana or Liberation from Rebirth

In Buddhism, Nirvana (Satori in Japanese) is the ultimate goal of spiritual practice, which involves liberation from the cycle of rebirth and suffering.

Nirvana is the state of absolute enlightenment, where one is free from all suffering, desires, and attachments. It is the highest state of being and the end of the cycle of rebirth.

Nirvana is closely related to the concept of karma, which is the idea that all actions have consequences. As we say, the quality of one’s actions (karma) determines the quality of one’s life and the nature of one’s rebirth. Thus, to achieve Nirvana, one must purify karma by cultivating positive actions and avoiding negative ones.

Buddhism’s six realms of existence are also related to the concept of Nirvana. The cycle of rebirth takes beings through the six realms, and the ultimate goal is to attain Nirvana and break free from the cycle.

To attain Nirvana, one must understand the impermanence and suffering of existence and develop wisdom and compassion. Through meditation and spiritual practice, one can achieve insight into the true nature of reality and break free from the cycle of rebirth.

Similarities Between Buddhist Teachings and NDEs

Near-Death Experiences share some striking similarities with Buddhist teachings, developed over centuries. Here are some of the most notable similarities between the two.


In Buddhism, consciousness is considered the fundamental aspect of our being and is said to continue beyond physical death. Similarly, during near-death experiences, people often report a sense of expanded consciousness, feeling connected to everything and everyone, and a profound awareness of the nature of reality.


Karma is a fundamental Buddhist concept that underscores the interconnectedness of all things in the Universe. It is believed that every action we take, whether a thought, word, or deed, impacts our present and future experiences.

In NDEs, individuals often report having a life review in which they see their actions and their effects on others and their future lives. This experience can be viewed as a reflection of the Buddhist concept of karma, as people are shown the consequences of their actions, both positive and negative.


Although it is called rebirth and not reincarnation, Buddhism teaches that consciousness continues after death and is reborn into a new body, either human or non-human. 

Some people report experiencing a choice to return to their physical body. In contrast, others feel they are being sent back against their will. 

Similarly, in near-death experiences, people often report encounters with deceased loved ones or other beings of Light. These experiences can be seen as similar to the Buddhist concept of rebirth. 

Also, many individuals with NDEs report being told about reincarnation during their experiences.

Stop reincarnating on earth

Some individuals who have had near-death experiences may report being told that it is possible to stop rebirth on earth and continue reincarnation in higher realms.

This belief is similar to the Buddhist concept of Nirvana, which refers to the state of liberation from the cycle of rebirth and the cessation of suffering. As we previously discussed, attaining Nirvana is the ultimate goal of spiritual practice. It is achieved through cultivating wisdom, ethical conduct, and concentration.

The Six Realms of Existence

As mentioned in Buddhism, the Six Realms are often paralleled with the experiences reported in NDEs. 

In NDEs, people often report experiencing different realms or dimensions that can be interpreted as reflections of the Six Realms in Buddhism. Some may experience heavenly realms, where they encounter beings of light or deceased loved ones, while others may encounter dark or hellish realms, where they experience intense fear and suffering. 

These experiences suggest that the Six Realms are not just theoretical constructs but might be part of a broader cosmology that reflects the experiences of individuals during near-death experiences.


Impermanence is the Buddhist concept that everything in the Universe constantly changes and is ultimately impermanent.

Similarly, in NDEs, people often report a sense of timelessness and a feeling that their physical body is no longer important. This experience can be seen as a reflection of the Buddhist concept of impermanence.


Compassion is a central value in Buddhism and is essential for achieving awakening. Similarly, in near-death experiences, people often report a profound sense of love and compassion and feeling connected to others deeply and meaningfully. 

This experience can be seen as a reflection of the Buddhist value of compassion. Overall, there are many similarities between the teachings of Buddhism and the experiences reported by people who have had NDEs. 


The feeling of oneness with the Universe or all living beings that people experience during near-death experiences is a concept that aligns closely with the Buddhist philosophy of interconnectedness. 

Buddhism’s concept of oneness is rooted in the idea that all beings and phenomena are interconnected and interdependent. This means that everything in the Universe is dependent on and influenced by everything else and that there is no separation between oneself and the world around them. 

These similarities suggest that there may be a deeper connection between these two seemingly different perspectives on life and death. 


I hope you enjoyed this article. I found it fascinating to study the similarities between Buddhism and near-death experiences provide an interesting perspective on the nature of reality and our existence. 

Both teachings offer valuable insights into the impermanent nature of life and the importance of cultivating compassion and positive actions. 

The similarities between near-death experiences and Buddhist concepts such as consciousness, karma, reincarnation, the Six Realms, impermanence, and compassion demonstrate these principles’ universality and how they can be experienced and understood across cultures and traditions. 

As we reflect on these teachings and the experiences of those who have undergone NDEs, we may realize that we are all part of the cycle of reincarnation and that our actions have far-reaching consequences both in this life and beyond. 

By living with awareness, kindness, and wisdom, we can create positive karma and move towards liberation from the cycle of rebirth, ultimately finding peace and freedom in this life and the next.
